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Sarah Hinchliffe, CPP APMP Fellow (Class of 2023)

i4 Consultancy and Design Ltd


Over a thirty-year sales career in the technology industry, Sarah worked her way from a rookie to a director. Along the way, she developed a taste for bidding - it played to her strengths as a storyteller, an organizer and a timekeeper.

In 2012, Sarah decided to start giving back everything she'd learned to help others sell more - to commercial organizations and the public sector. She's been busy ever since and loving every minute.

Sarah's biggest love is words. Whenever she has a rare, spare minute, she devours hints and tips on style and grammar, structure and format. Over a decade ago, Lynne Truss's "Eats, shoots & leaves" reignited her indignation at sloppy writing. Sarah continuously strives to perfect her writing.

After doing her day job – fixing processes, managing bids, training, reviewing, writing and editing sales documents - she often presents for the APMP. She also writes articles for professional sales and bid publications to champion her trade.


APMP has been instrumental in my success and has given me a framework in which to coach and mentor the bid and proposal stars of the future.
Mescall Ceri Photo
Ceri Mescall, CPP APMP
You can expand your network by attending the local Chapter webinar and events. They provide an opportunity to collaborate with like-minded individuals locally to create and share consumable content, ideas, tools, and resources.
Sonal Bhatnagar, CP APMP, PMP
Achieving certification sends a message to the world that I’m dedicated and accomplished as a proposal manager. I feel proud of earning this title and I encourage others to join our ranks.
Jessica Davis
Jessica Davis, CF APMP
I love that my high scores in English and grammar from grade school finally paid off! I understand where I fit in professionally with a career that is rewarding on many levels. I owe all of this to APMP!
Bette Sturino, CP APMP
As a sales coach, the executive summary is vital for capturing and proposing management activities. This is an excellent addition to our members' professional standing, and I look forward to many more micro certifications.
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Suzanne Shields, CPP ES-M APMP
The Executive Summaries Micro-Certification exam was easy to follow and clear in what was required. I found the learning materials to be very informative, and they will be a great tool to use while in the exam and for future executive summary tasks.
Sarah Chapman, CP ES-M APMP
This topic, Executive Summaries, is way underrated. The Executive Summary is the most eye-catching document, which almost everyone on the customer side reads. Yet, in most bid teams, we don’t dedicate the attention it deserves. I want to learn about something I can immediately put into practice at my workplace, which provides a “quick win” to the team and is a long-term benefit for the company.
Dénes Máthé, CF ES-M APMP
Acquiring this micro-certification allows me to expand my aperture regarding the collaboration between capture and proposal management to develop more robust, customer-centric Executive Summaries for future pursuits. It allows me to advance my skill set, evolve my knowledge, and reflect my commitment to continuous learning.
Stephen Yuter, ES-M APMP
Acquiring the executive summary micro certification has helped to build my confidence in producing best practice Executive Summaries. I also benefit from the social media badge for my LinkedIn profile and certification to add to my resume. Both of these allow me to verify my Executive Summary capabilities.
Laura Rispin, CP ES-M APMP
With this micro-certification and digital badge, I signal to my bid team and stakeholders that I am familiar with this topic. They can use me as their contact and "sparring partner," independent of RFPs.
Norbert Thiemermann, CPP ES-M APMP