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BSI PAS 360:2023

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How can you get PAS 360:2023?

Obtaining PAS 360:2023 is simple and accessible to everyone. The code of practice is available for free download from the BSI website. Simply visit their website, locate PAS 360:2023, and download the document to start benefiting from its guidelines and recommendations.

What are the benefits of using PAS 360:2023?

Implementing PAS 360:2023 can bring numerous benefits to organisations engaged in bid and proposal management, including: increasing the likelihood of winning business; lowering the risks of procurement and contract delivery; enhanced brand and reputation; attracting and retaining qualified professionals; expanding into new markets; advancing procurement expertise; advancing the bid and proposal profession.

What is PAS 360:2023?

PAS 360:2023 is a code of practice that focusses on ‘the organisation’. It offers a framework for implementing a bid and proposal management functions that effectively pursue and win business. By establishing a universal code of practice, it aims to bring bid and proposal management organisational standards in line with the quality of established practices in similar industries.  And the high volume of detailed feedback during the public consultation stage indicates the importance of this code of practice to our industry.

What is a PAS?

A Publicly Available Standard (PAS) is a standardisation document that defines an industry-specific solution for good practice for a process, service, or product. The development of a PAS is led by BSI in collaboration with a steering group of stakeholders selected from relevant fields.

How is PAS 360:2023 different to the APMP Body of Knowledge?

PAS 360:2023 complements APMP’s Body of Knowledge (BoK) – which APMP members have access to through their membership – it does not replace it. The BoK is acknowledged in the PAS 360:2023 bibliography alongside other publications, standards, and further reading materials. In short, PAS 360:2023 is focussed on ‘the organisation’ whereas the BoK is focussed on ‘the individual’.

Who owns PAS 360:2023?

As the creator of PAS 360:2023, BSI owns the copyright. The initiative is sponsored by APMP. The technical author for PAS 360:2023 is BidCraft Limited, an APMP Approved Training Organisation. The stakeholder steering group includes industry leaders, government and public sector organisations, trade associations, and professional bodies.

Visit BSI's Website

For the first time since I started my career, I felt like I was not alone in my struggles to meet deadlines, wrangle SMEs, and answer impossible questions. I’m grateful to have this community to share our wisdom and experiences.
Anthony Rossi, CF APMP
APMP Certification is an important milestone in the bid and proposal profession. It helped me upgrade my knowledge and be competitive in the industry. You can achieve your dream career with APMP certifications. Thanks to APMP India.
Swapnil Patange
Swapnil Patange, CF APMP
Achieving certification sends a message to the world that I’m dedicated and accomplished as a proposal manager. I feel proud of earning this title and I encourage others to join our ranks.
Jessica Davis
Jessica Davis, CF APMP
You can expand your network by attending the local Chapter webinar and events. They provide an opportunity to collaborate with like-minded individuals locally to create and share consumable content, ideas, tools, and resources.
Sonal Bhatnagar, CP APMP, PMP
The Executive Summaries Micro-Certification exam was easy to follow and clear in what was required. I found the learning materials to be very informative, and they will be a great tool to use while in the exam and for future executive summary tasks.
Sarah Chapman, CP ES-M APMP
APMP's techniques on proposal writing are meticulously engineered with real-life examples, and the extensive information available in their Body of Knowledge is a goldmine for bid & proposal professionals.
Anant Shukla, CF APMP
Certification has enhanced my worth as a bid professional. It has validated the skills and experience I have and is proof of my bid management qualities and capabilities. It has given me a springboard to develop my career and aim for Professional certification.
Aynsley Davidson v2
Aynsley Davidson, CP APMP
APMP has been instrumental in my success and has given me a framework in which to coach and mentor the bid and proposal stars of the future.
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Ceri Mescall, CPP APMP
Receiving Practitioner-level certification boosted my confidence and validated my experiences and professional growth in the bid and proposal industry. The badge is something that I see each day, and it motivates and encourages me to keep networking, learning, and elevating others in our combined professional development goals.
Kim Ruff
Kim Ruff, CP APMP
The Executive Summary is the key element of each proposal, literally the most important part of the response next to the price – this is why my focus was on this micro certification. Understanding the principles of Deal-Strategy, Win-Strategy, Competitor-Analysis, Ghosting, Persuasive Writing, Features/Benefits/Discriminators, and many more is essential and beneficial for so much more than just the Executive Summary.
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Florian Lamisch, CF ES-M APMP